This is my attempt to get back into pre-baby shape and ring in the big 3-5 with a bang, or rather with 26.2 miles. Just as training for my first half marathon taught me a lot about myself (for example, it taught me that not only was I capable of running 13.1 miles in a row, but that I love doing it), I'm sure this experience will be as educational as it will be challenging. Thanks for sharing in my journey with me . . .

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 21 miles

I actually did:  21.78 miles*

*27.925 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage system, getting 4.5 miles for running uphill for 9 miles, 1 mile for soaking through 4 layers, .125 miles for running in the dark (technically only part of the run was in the dark, but still), and 0.5 miles for running more than 10 miles.
Days to go until the marathon: 29

Miles to go until 1000: 587.56

Can I get a "woot woot" for surviving today's run?  It surprisingly wasn't even that bad.  I think there are a couple of reasons for this:
1) I changed up my route a bit; usually, I end running on bike trails, and usually the end of my runs suck.  I think this is most likely because they are the end of long runs, and it is usually hot by the time I'm done.  But I started to think that maybe it is because I'm running on trails that aren't often interrupted by streets, driveways, etc.  Nice most of the time, but I think at the end of a run when I'm mentally fatigued, it's nice to say, "just run fast to the next driveway", and then be able to do it.  But on the trails, the next intersection is often half a mile away, so it seems forever.  So today I started out on the trails, and ended on the city streets that are normally the beginning. 
2) I was super worried about running out of water on this run, so I asked a friend whose house is approximately 2/3 of the way through my route if I could stop and refill my water bottles.  So I did, but I also chatted with her for about 15 minutes and therefore got a little rest.

Most likely, the reason this run didn't suck was the rest I got at my friend's house, and that may not bode well for the marathon as I probably won't stop to chat with anyone during it.  But nevertheless, I felt good about the run, and at the end, I even felt -- dare I say it -- that I could've run another 4.5 miles.  

Hopefully this means I am ready for the marathon.  It's less than a month away, and all my long runs are now actually kind of short (10, 8, 6 miles) as I taper.  

So again, can I get a "woot woot"?


Training schedule says I will do: 35 minute run


I actually did:  42:32 minutes/3.98 miles

Days to go until the marathon: 33

Miles to go until 1000:612.84

On today's run, I spent a lot of time thinking about the way I smell.  Not the way I smell all the time, but the way I smell when I'm running.  This is not something I have ever considered before, but on my long run on Sunday (which was "only" 10 miles -- which is a phrase I would've thought was ridiculous to say when I started running again last March -- but was wonderful and again made me wonder why I thought running 26 miles in a row was a good idea when running a reasonable distance like 13 is so pleasant.  Although my friend Tryna, a marathon veteran, said to me that 10 miles only felt easy because I am ready for my 21 miles this coming weekend, so we'll see), I passed another runner.  And he stank.  To be fair, he smelled like sweat.  And he was running, and it was sunny and probably 70 or so degrees, so he had very good reasons for smelling like sweat.  I have written before about the fact that I usually feel a camaraderie towards other runners, but my initial reaction was "gross, he stinks".  I immediately felt ashamed, and then felt camaraderie towards him, probably a little too much camaraderie, as I was over-compensating for my initial bad thoughts.  I didn't think much about it until this morning, when I passed another runner (who, as far as I could tell, did not stink), and I immediately felt self conscious.  Did I stink?  Probably.  It wasn't super hot, as it was before 5 am, but I was nearing the end of my run when I passed him and definitely was sweating.  And I don't usually wear antiperspirant when I run, because I kind of figure what's the point.  I'm going to sweat regardless of it, and I'm going to shower afterwards before I go to work, so why waste it.  But maybe it's not a waste if I make myself less offensive to other runners, if only for the second or so we are within smelling distance.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 13 miles

I actually did:   13.53*

*18.53 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 3.25 miles for running uphill for a total of 6.5 miles, 1 mile for sweating through underwear, pants, sports bra and shirt, 0.25 miles for 80+ degree weather, and 0.5 miles for traveling more than 10 miles. 
Days to go until the marathon: 42

Miles to go until 1000: 648.97

I know, I've been a slacker.  Not just with posting, but with running too.  It is no secret that I have been struggling to keep my running mojo going while training for this marathon.  I think it is also no secret that I've had pain in my hips (mostly the left recently, but it has been on the right too).  Well, I had a great 18.8 mile run a couple of weeks ago.  The first 13.5 miles of the run felt AMAZING.  I felt fast, and great.  13.5 to 15 were a little harder.  15 to 17 really sucked.  17 to home was better again.  Overall my pace was 11:25, which honestly would shock me if I am able to run the marathon at that fast a pace.  So I thought maybe my mojo was coming back.  Then I left the next day for vacation and did a couple of runs while on vacation.  But then I didn't run at all for the 2 weeks after I got back from vacation.  Part of this was lack of motivation, part of it was wanting to see if my hip pain would go away, part of it was because I had (have, as it's not over yet) 18 days in a row of work without a day off as soon as I got back from vacation.  And part of it was because someone had posted on Run Like a Mother's facebook page that the best way to get your running groove back is to take some time off.  So I did.

My first run back was actually yesterday, I had signed up for a 5k.  I am a bit of a race snob, and usually don't think 5ks are worth the entrance fee, but this is for a good cause (building a dog park in our town, which really needs one), and I thought maybe it would be helpful to run a race I can do relatively fast.  My plan had been to run to the start of it, so that I'd get 14 or so miles in for the day and be done with my long run for the weekend.  But of course I was on call, and my pager went off, and I had a patient in labor.  I ended up still doing the 5k -- all the while wondering if it were the stupidest thing in the world, because what better way to ensure the patient delivered quickly while I was in the middle of the race -- but not the pre-run.  That was ok, I did my long run today (more on that in a bit).

I started out the 5k fast.  Too fast, in fact.  I very quickly felt exhausted and couldn't believe I'd gotten so out of shape with just 2 weeks of non-running (during which time, I should add, I did bike commute to work several times so it wasn't like I was a slug).  Then I looked down at my Garmin and discovered I was running a 7 minute mile.  Well no wonder!  Whenever I hear of people running 6-7 minute miles, I often think to myself, "I wonder if I could run that fast for just one mile?"  I now know that I can't.  My limit at a 7 minute mile is apparently 0.25 miles.  So I slowed down and the rest of the race felt good.  It was a very small race (I think there were less than 50 people running it), and for a long time I thought I was the very last one (but later discovered there were a couple people behind me, and I did pass 2 people near the end).  So I kind of felt bad about myself because of that, although I overall ran a 9:35 mile for the race, so I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't feel badly that I was the slowest one out there, because I still ran fast for me.

For the record, my patient delivered at around 8 pm that night, so I did not miss it, nor did I cause a faster labor by my absence from the hospital.

Which brings us to today's run.  I've been reading a couple other running blogs from time to time recently, and one of them talked about how you should have a negative split (i.e. the second half of the race is faster than the first half), and that for every minute you are under pace in the first half of the race, you lose 2 minutes in the second half because of exhaustion.  So I tried to do today's run with a negative split, which I don't think works for me.  It was really hard to go at my slow "goal" pace in the beginning (arbitrarily set at 11 min/mile, since my actual goal marathon pace is anything faster than standing still), and I ended up at the same slow pace at the end.  Maybe that's the point, and I guess I was more consistent in my pace, but it felt overall like I was slower (and my pace was objectively slower than the great 18.8 mile run I mentioned earlier), and not necessarily less tired.  So I don't know about this whole negative split thing, although I am willing to try it on one more long run before I go back to just running without thinking about pace except to say "oh, I'm going fast right now" or "wow, I'm going slow right now".

I also tried to make this run more interesting than usual.  Usually, I run straight down the major street near my house (Colton), to the next major cross street (17th), and then I turn and head up that to the next major street (Poly), etc.  But today I decided I would shake things up a bit by running up and down the side streets in between Colton and Poly.  It did make things more interesting, and certainly added a lot of hills to my run, and I think I liked it overall.  But it also felt like I wasn't really going anywhere because at one point I realized I had run 2 miles, but was only like .75 miles away from my house.  This actually turned out to be a good thing, however, because at that 2 mile mark, I realized I didn't lock my front door.  So I ran home, only to discover that I had, in fact, locked it.  I then repeated the up and down side streets from the beginning.  I don't think that's what it meant when people talk about doing hill repeats, but that's ok.

Overall I enjoyed the runs this weekend.  My hip did start to hurt, but wasn't unbearable.  I know I need to add strength training to my regimen, and I keep meaning to . . . maybe this week . . ., and I think that will help with the pain I'm having.  But, I do feel like I'm going to be able to run (or should I say finish, as there will definitely be some walking involved) this marathon which I can't say I for sure did a few weeks ago.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 14 miles

I actually did:   15.03 miles*

*19.78 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 3 miles for running uphill for a total of 6 miles, 1 miles for sweating through underwear, pants, sports bra and shirt, 0.25 miles for 80+ degree weather, and 0.5 miles for traveling more than 10 miles. 
Days to go until the marathon: 77

Miles to go until 1000: 700.05

I was pretty nervous about this run because I didn't really run at all during the week, plus I didn't leave for it until after 9 am and it was pretty warm and sunny.  And about 0.25 into the run I realized I had forgotten to take my prophylactic ibuprofen.  But all things said, it was a decent run.  Yes, I got hot (and sunburned), and yes, I was in some pain over the last half of it (which I think was related to the heat as much as anything), but this was the farthest distance I have ever run which felt like a good accomplishment.  I walked when I needed to (about 3 miles total, I'd guess) which is ok with me.  I will be fine even if I walk half the marathon.  So I feel like I'm back on track after my doubts of late.

Oh, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers played during this run! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 11 miles

I actually did:   10.66 miles*
*14.16 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting an 2.5 miles for running uphill for a total of 5 miles, 0.5 miles for sweating through sports bra and shirt, and 0.5 miles for traveling more than 10 miles. 
Days to go until the marathon: 84

Miles to go until 1000: 721.08

I felt pretty good about this run, until I got home and discovered I had been supposed to run 11 miles, not 10 like I thought . . . grr . . . this is especially frustrating BECAUSE I felt so good, I easily could've done 11.  Oh well.

Despite the fact that I clearly can't read, this was a good run.  I don't know if it was the new shoes, the fact that I started at about 5 am before it got hot, the fact that I didn't work all day first, the fact that I drank gatorade the whole time, or some combination of the above, but it was a WAY better run than last week.  I still had some pain, but I also think that a lot of that is mental (duh, you are probably saying), because all it took was some motivating tunes to make me forget I was hurting.

Happy 4th of July!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 15.5 miles

I actually did:   13.79 miles*
*18.915 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting an extra 1.5 miles for working all weekend before running (not actually in the bonus system, but Aubree-approved), 2.5 miles for running uphill for a total of 5 miles, 0.5 miles for sweating through sports bra and shirt, 0.125 miles for darkness, and 0.5 miles for traveling more than 10 miles.  That's a lot of bonus miles!
Days to go until the marathon: 91

Miles to go until 1000: 739.6

Ok, this run kind of sucked.  To be specific, the first 9 miles were fine.  The rest sucked.  This weekend was a little crazy in that I was working at the hospital.  I worked 12 hours each on Saturday and Sunday, and started my run after getting home from work Sunday night.  So, I was fairly tired from working but determined to do my long run this weekend because I didn't get it in last weekend due to a patient in labor.  The first 9 miles were fine, and then it all went downhill.  Every inch of my lower half started to hurt, including my calves which completely cramped up (which was new for me).  By the time I got near home, it was clear that I had miscalculated my distance and would not be doing 15.5 miles, but it was 10:15 (by which time I am usually in bed), dark, and I was hungry and in pain.  So I just went home.

This run was fairly discouraging because it was so hard, and I once again started to doubt whether I could run a full marathon.  But since then I have thought about it, and talked to friends, and here are the lessons I have learned:

1.  Don't run more than 9 miles after working a 12-hour day.  This one really should've been obvious to me.
2.  Don't wait until 2 hours into a run to start drinking Gatorade.  Again, probably should've been obvious.
3.  Don't run at dinner time in the summer, unless you have recently eaten.  The smell of others' barbecues will make you hungry.
4.  Perhaps even the kick-ass music on my ipod is not enough to keep me distracted and interested on such long runs.  (I have since downloaded podcasts of Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me for my next long run.)
5.  Maybe it is time for new running shoes.  (I ended up getting new shoes 2 days later.)

I am determined not to give up on running this stupid marathon and I am hoping my new shoes will propel me through the next long ru

Friday, June 17, 2011


You may have noticed that my posts are fewer and getting posted all at once recently; I have been swamped at work and not much free time at home, so posting has been harder.  So, I think I'm not going to try to post for every run anymore and just do it when I can.  Since I think there is exactly one person who reads this on a regular basis, I don't think anyone will be too sad, but I just wanted to make the announcement.  I promise if I have any earth-shattering thoughts I will post them.  Until then, happy running!


Training schedule says I will do: 40 minute run
I actually did:   42:15 minutes/3.99 miles
Days to go until the marathon: 103

Miles to go until 1000: 760.34

I felt relatively fast on this run, which was nice, I don't feel fast very often.  I still don't feel like I've exorcised the demons of that bad run from a couple of weeks ago, but I am hoping that I'm on the way.  My next long long run is scheduled for 6/25, and hopefully that will go well.


Training schedule says I will do: OFF (but tomorrow's long run is supposed to be 12 miles)
I actually did:   11.58 miles*
*13.58 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting an extra 1 mile for traveling uphill for 2 miles, 0.5 miles for sweating through 2 layers, and 0.5 miles for running 10+ miles
Days to go until the marathon: 106

Miles to go until 1000: 764.33

I thought a lot about college on my run today, for good reason: my best friend (who I met in college, and who is Aubree of the famed Aubree's bonus mileage system) is coming to town today to visit for a few days.  Included in our itinerary is an 80's themed bachelorette party tonight.  It's going to be awesome.

As I was thinking about college, I was thinking about whether I'd want to do it again (now).  Honestly, I don't know.  Sometimes I think it would be great to take more classes just to learn stuff.  For instance, I feel fairly ignorant about US and world history (not on a Sarah Palin level, but not where I'd like to be).  But college classes are also a lot of work.  And sometimes I'd like to have little to no responsibility, but then I'd miss my husband and son.  And I'm fairly certain, no, make that certain, that I could not drink like that anymore and feel fine the next day.  But it would be nice to live near all my friends again.  I guess it doesn't really matter where I end up in this decision, since re-doing college is not really an option.  Good thing I have some great memories, and some pretty embarrassing pictures, to tide me over!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 50 minute run

I actually did:  Took the day off, because I'm doing my long run this week tomorrow.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 10 x 1:00/2:00

I actually did:   10 x 1:00/2:00/ 3.79 miles*
*3.915 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting an extra 1/8 mile for darkness
Days to go until the marathon: 109

Miles to go until 1000: 775.91

My love of running came back a little more on this run.  I actually really like the fast blocks; they are tiring, but it is kind of fun to feel so fast.  (I averaged between 8-9 minute miles during them, so it's really not "so" fast, but it is fast for me.)  And I was once again reminded how nice it is to be out for a run when the rest of the world is sleeping.  I'm getting a little nervous for my long run this weekend, but I am hopeful after the way I felt on today's run.


Training schedule says I will do: 40 minute run

I actually did: yoga + Bender ball ab workout, 40 minutes = 3.5 miles towards 1000 mile goal
Days to go until the marathon: 1170

Miles to go until 1000: 779.70

So last night there were tornadoes near my hometown.  The closest one touched down about 20 miles away from my town, so not super super close, but still close.  There were warnings all night and they said one would probably hit in the area of town where I live; thankfully, they were wrong.  It was fairly scary watching the news, particularly in light of the fact that last year around this time, a tornado did hit the town and tore the roof off the big arena.  I lived in Portland at the time, and my husband and I (and our then-3-week old baby) stayed up late watching clips on youtube (

Anyway, this is relevant because this morning when I got up to run, I looked at my Weather Channel app on my phone and discovered that the wind was still blowing at 27 mph.  So I decided not to run, and did yoga instead. 


Training schedule says I will do: 9 miles

I actually did:   9.35 miles*
*10.85 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting an extra 1 mile for traveling uphill for a total of 2 miles, and 1/2 mile for sweating through 2 layers.
Days to go until the marathon: 112

Miles to go until 1000: 783.20

So my goal for today's run was that it wouldn't suck like last week's long run.  And it didn't, although I will say that towards the end I was ready for it to be over.  I just didn't love it the way I used to love my long runs, which might have had something to do with the fact that my hip started hurting again somewhere around mile 5 or 6 and was pretty sore by the end.  And it was kind of too hot.  Which I feel terrible for saying, because 1) it was only in the 60s or 70s but super sunny and 2) last week on my long run, I was so cold that my hands were frozen and could barely move when I got home.  And I was miserable.  So you'd think I'd love the warmer weather today.  But it was a little too warm.  I even got sunburned, including a rather unfortunate tan line where my cell phone holder arm band thing was.  I need to find a better way to carry my cell phone!!

Anyway, I can't say that I'm completely back in love with running after my bad week last week, but I think I'm getting there. . . (sorry, but I can't resist) one step at a time.


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did: Go on a bike ride with my family, 40 minutes = 3.5 miles towards 1000 mile goal
Days to go until the marathon: 113

Miles to go until 1000: 792.55

The weather today was absolutely beautiful, quite a change from last weekend's awful weather!  We were going to go for a bike ride around our neighborhood when a friend called and said she was having a barbecue, so we rode over there.  It was wonderful!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I didn't run either of these days.  Thursday (6/2) was a scheduled day off, but I planned to do the run I missed on 6/1.  And today (6/3) I was scheduled to do 25 minutes.  I have "reasons" I didn't run, and they are legitimate-ish.  Wednesday night was our anniversary and we shared a bottle of wine with dinner (which means I had 2/3 of the bottle), so Thursday morning sleep sounded better than running.  And Thursday night, my son was up a bunch of times I only ended up getting a few hours of sleep.

But the truth is, my running motivation is somewhat lacking after the awful run on Sunday.  Even though I had a much better run on Tuesday, I just didn't feel like getting up at 4 and getting out there the rest of the week.  This weekend is supposed to be nice weather, and my long run is only 9 miles, so I'm very hopeful that this combination will give me my running mojo back. 


Training schedule says I will do: 8 x 1:00/2:00

I actually did:    Nursed my son
I got out of bed to get ready to run, and my son started crying so instead of running, I fed him.  I didn't mind because normally I feed him between 2 and 3; last night he slept from 8:30 or so until 4:30.  This is the longest he has ever slept in one stretch; let's hope it continues!!


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did:    4.41 miles
Days to go until the marathon: 117

Miles to go until 1000: 796.05

I was supposed to take today off.  And I did, initially (i.e., I didn't get up to run this morning).  But then it turned out to be a really nice day, and I wanted to take revenge after my awful run on Sunday, so I went out this evening.  It was freeing to run not because I had to, but because I wanted to.  I could run as fast or as slow as I wanted, and only turned around when I did because it was dinner time, and I was hungry.  My right hip, which hurt the whole time I ran on Sunday and has hurt since, even stopped hurting as soon as I started running.  It was a good day!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did:    Nothing.  Literally nothing.  I didn't even get out of my pajamas all day.  This was mostly due to the fact that I have a sick little boy who just wanted to snuggle, but a day spent in your pajamas is still a good thing.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 13 miles

I actually did:    12.01 miles*

* 14.26 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/2 mile for the wind, 1/4 mile for the rain, 1 mile for my socks, pants, and 2 shirts getting soaked through, and 1/2 mile for traveling >10 miles
Days to go until the marathon: 119

Miles to go until 1000: 800.46

This run was pretty miserable.  The weather started out crappy, and got crappier as I ran.  Yuck.  The weather made it pretty mentally challenging, and made me start to question what it is I'm doing.  I am someone who doesn't doubt myself a whole lot.  While I don't really consider myself to be great at anything, I do tend to be successful when I set out to do something.  Even in the great unknown of medicine, sometimes I second guess decisions I have made, but for the most part I feel comfortable in what I do.  So I guess this has led to some level of confidence that when I say I want to do something, I will be able to do it.  Because of this, I have never really questioned that I'd be able to run a marathon.  Until today.  This run was just so awful, I started thinking maybe I couldn't run a whole marathon, and maybe I shouldn't even try.  

But I am always one to look for the silver lining, and at the end of this terrible, terrible run, I think I found it.  As awful as I felt today, I kept at it.  Yes, I cut the run short by a mile (which I did knowing it would be >13 miles once the bonus miles got added), and yes, I walked for probably a total of a mile of this run.  But never once did I think, "I'm going to call my husband to come pick me up."  When the going got tough, I walked for a bit.  Which I think is fine.  Honestly, I'll be fine if I have to walk for part of the marathon.

And even when I was thinking I couldn't run a marathon, I wasn't thinking I'd give up on running.  Instead, I thought I'd just run the half marathon that's being held on the same day.

So I'm going to take those things as signs I really shouldn't give up trying to run a marathon.  And I'm going to tell myself that I'm sure everyone has bad days now and again.  And I'm going to remember how much fun running is when the weather is not awful.  And I'm going to go back out for a long run next weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did:    32:03 minutes/ 2.95 miles* (to make up for yesterday's missed run)

*  3.075 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 mile for darkness
Days to go until the marathon: 122

Miles to go until 1000: 812.47

I just realized I haven't been posting the Red Hot Chili Peppers stat.  They have not played in quite some time, so I guess I have definitively proven that they don't ALWAYS play when I run.

This morning's run brought with it a first: I saw a young woman clearly doing a walk of shame.  My run takes me near a college campus, and she was walking towards campus, at around 5:30 am, in a cute little going-out outfit, walking barefoot and carrying her high heels in her hand.  Ah, to be young again!  These days, for me, walk of shame has a new meaning: it means I have left the house to go out in public in clothes that are covered in some combination of spit up, baby poop, and dried Yo Baby yogurt that got flung at me from the high chair.  Oh wait, that happens once a week at least.

I thought a lot this morning about something about which I've been considering for some time: taking a hiatus from Facebook.  I am growing more and more disillusioned with it and the fake friendships it promotes.  I have written about this before, I think.  Recently a friend of mine posted, on Facebook, similar feelings and since then I have been thinking about a hiatus even more.  I think I'm afraid to leave, though, for a couple of reasons.  For all the fake friends I have on there, I also keep in touch with some of my very good friends that way, and it certainly is easy to have them all in one place.  Also, I think the insecure junior high girl that lives inside me is afraid I'll miss out on all the fun if I leave Facebook.  As it is, I really only interact with the people with whom I want to interact, so I don't know what harm it does if many (most?) of my "friends" are people I barely know.  So, I'll probably stay.  We'll see.  I'll update my status if I change my mind! :)


Training schedule says I will do: 30 minute run
I actually did:   Got up to run, only to discover that my running shoes were still wet from yesterday.  So I went back to bed.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run
I actually did:   43:51 minutes/3.94 miles*

* 5.19 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/4 mile for running in the rain and 1 mile for my shirt, pants, sports bra, and socks getting soaked through.  It was WET on this run!
Days to go until the marathon: 124

Miles to go until 1000: 815.42
The first song that played today was "Name" by the Goo Goo Dolls.  I always love the line in that song that says "reruns all become our history."  As I've mentioned before, I used to be quite the tv watcher, and although I have watched less and less over the last few years, I do still think that is kind of true.  I started thinking about that today, which got to me thinking about the show Friends.  I think that if I was ever asked what my all time favorite tv show was, I'd have to say Friends.  That is not to say I think Friends is the best show ever (that would be Sports Night, followed closely by the Aaron Sorkin years of the West Wing and Friday Night Lights), or the show to which I looked forward the most (that would be 90210 in the late 90s and Veronica Mars in the mid-2000s with honorable mention going to Gilmore Girls), or even the show I thought was the funniest (that might be Modern Family).  And I do think that by the end of it's run, the characters on Friends were just caricatures of who they had been in the first season.  But Friends started my senior year of high school and ended my second year of medical school.  I did a lot of growing up in those intervening years, and I feel like Friends was always there with me.  To this day, I can watch a rerun in syndication and still laugh out loud.  And often I can remember where I was when I first watched the episode.  I remember watching in the basement of my sorority house surrounded by friends, or watching with my family when I was in high school or home for the summer, or watching with my now husband when we were early in our relationship.  And since tv now has a different place in my life than it once did, it might be fair to say no other show will ever have the impact of Friends.  So in that sense, the reruns really are my history.  So wise, Goo Goo Dolls. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 12 miles
I actually did:   5.61 miles*

* 8.36 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/4 mile for running in the rain, 1 mile for running with a cold, 1 mile for running uphill for a total of 2 miles, 1/4 mile for my socks getting soaked (from running on wet grass) and 1/4 mile for sweating through 1 layer of clothing.  I think that's the most bonus miles I've ever accumulated.  I also just noticed that I'm supposed to get 1/2 extra mile for every distance above 10 miles, which I haven't been giving myself. 
Days to go until the marathon: 126

Miles to go until 1000: 819.36
I told myself when I went out for this run that I would just go as far as I felt I could, since I'm still not 100% from my cold (this cold actually made me miss a day of work this week, which if you know me, you know I don't call in sick lightly).  I started to feel lightheaded at around mile 2, so I decided to start heading home, although took somewhat of a circuitous route so that I'd have at least a little more distance.  I started to feel better around mile 4, but decided to keep heading home so I didn't make myself more sick.
I spent a lot of this run thinking about that guy who predicted the rapture would happen yesterday.  I wonder how he is feeling today.  I would imagine he is embarrassed (although I read that he has once before incorrectly predicted the rapture, so maybe this is nothing new), but mostly I was wondering if the fact that nothing happened yesterday has shaken his faith.  Putting aside my thoughts on religion and whether I think the Bible is meant to be taken literally (I won't get into those here, at least not today), I have definitely seen first hand the comfort religion can provide to people.  So I hope that, if his faith provides him comfort, he still has it.  And if this makes him reevaluate his faith, well, I hope he finds peace wherever he lands from his reevaluation.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 14 x 30-30
I actually did:   Have my stupid cold return!
When I got up at 3 to nurse my son this morning, I couldn't breathe out of my nose and couldn't stop coughing.  So, I decided to skip my run this morning.  I am hoping I'll feel well enough to make it up tomorrow . . .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run
I actually did:   44:25 minutes/3.98 miles*

* 4.575 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 extra mile for darkness and 1/2 extra mile for sweating through 2 layers
Days to go until the marathon: 131

Miles to go until 1000: 824.97

Things are blooming all over the place, so today's run smelled really good.  In case I haven't said it enough, I'm so glad it's finally spring!!

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of my husband's and my first date, so I spent most of my run thinking about that.  It doesn't really seem like we've been together that long, and yet when I think about how different our lives are now than when we met, it seems like we've been together for much longer.  When we met, he was managing a restaurant and finishing up his degree.  I was waiting tables at said restaurant, saving money before starting grad school.  In the last 10 years we have lived in Montana, Washington DC, Portland, and now Montana again.  He has gone through 3 careers (restaurant manager, accountant, stay at home dad) and I have gotten 2 graduate/professional degrees and done a residency.  And of course, we now have the most amazing, smart, beautiful son ever.  It is hard to imagine our lives will change that much in the next 10 years, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see . . .

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 11 miles

I actually did:  11.2 miles*

*12.2 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1 extra mile for traveling uphill for 2 miles

Days to go until the marathon: 133

Miles to go until 1000: 828.95

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No (but Tone Loc played for at least the third run in a row.  Today "Funky Cold Medina" played, and I started wondering about whether that would be considered a date rape drug?  Made me rethink whether I should listen to that song anymore.)

On today's run, right after I started, I passed a couple walking in matching track suits.  I was happy for them getting exercise, but it cracked me up.  I tried to picture my husband and I in matching track suits, but I just couldn't do it.

My mind wandered a lot on this run -- it had a lot of time to wander since I'm super slow.  I thought about the great family day we had yesterday, and I thought about the pretty crazy week I had at work last week.  And I spent a lot of time feeling like my old running self, which was nice.  I was kind of dreading this run, I thought it'd be really hard since the last 2 times I did 10 miles it felt hard, and I didn't really run this week.  The run was hard for the first 1-2 miles, which isn't really anything new, but then I kind of went on autopilot and before I knew it, I was 4.5 miles in.  Then 7 miles.  Then 9 miles.  It was great.  Let's hope it keeps being great!!  

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 35 minute run

I actually did:  Nothing

Such a slacker this week, I know.  I just felt that this week was crazy, with the delivery and then seeing my patient in the hospital before work, and then my clinics seemed to be filled with crazy people and this week has felt like 3, work-wise.  And tonight I am scheduled to work a 4 pm to midnight shift, so I decided just to sleep in today.  Hopefully, next week will be a little less crazy!


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did:  Nothing

I somewhat thought about doing Tuesday's run that I had missed today, but since I had to go see my patient in the hospital before work, running before work would've meant getting up somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 am, which just seems wrong.


Training schedule says I will do: 12 x 30-30

I actually did:  12 x 30-30/2.21 miles

Days to go until the marathon: 137

Miles to go until 1000: 840.15

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

So I looked up exactly how I should be doing my speed training intervals, and based on my projected marathon time, the website I found calculated that my fast intervals should be 9:51 minute mile pace.  So that was my goal, but I ended up just running fast again, and was usually somewhere around 8 minute miles.  I think the problem is my GPS watch takes about 15 seconds to accurately reflect a pace change, and by the time I saw I was going to fast, the interval was already half over so I just kept at the same pace.  Coming up I have longer intervals, so I'll try to be a little more accurate then!

Also, today I ran after work, and it was my first run in a tank top.  FINALLY warm weather is here!!


Training schedule says I will do: 40 minute run

I actually did:  Delivered a baby

I actually got up to run this morning and just as I was getting dressed, my pager went off telling me I had a patient in labor.  I was kind of relieved, as it was POURING, and going for a run in the dark didn't sound all that great.  So, I went to see my patient instead of running, and then after work was at the hospital waiting on baby (as anyone who has ever been around a delivery knows, it's a lot of hurry up and wait).  She had a healthy boy at almost 10 pm.


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did:  Nothing

I had planned to do yoga this morning, and that probably would've been great, but instead I decided to sleep in . . .

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 10 miles

I actually did:  10.16 miles*

*11.16 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1 extra mile for traveling uphill for 2 miles

Days to go until the marathon: 140

Miles to go until 1000: 842.36

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

Today's run was HARD.  I blame it on the Women's Run yesterday.  Not only did I run much faster than my usual training pace, but I didn't stretch after the race (bad me, I know), and I walked about a mile backwards on the course to find my mom, who was walking, and then walked that last mile again with her.  You'd think that walking and running wouldn't be that different, but I find that walking long distances makes my hips hurt in a way that running never does.  When I got pregnant, I was registered to run a 1/2 marathon but my husband was super freaked out about me running pregnant.  Even though, you know, I'm a doctor, and I knew it was fine for me to keep up my pre-pregnancy workout routine, I thought it was cute how concerned he was so I agreed not to run more than 2 miles (at a time, which is what an older version of What to Expect When You're Expecting recommended) during my first trimester.  So I started doing long walks to prepare to walk the 1/2 marathon with my best friend (who walks several 1/2 marathons a year and, I'm not even kidding, can walk almost as fast as I can run) when I was 8 weeks pregnant.  My best friend was kind enough to walk slowly with me during the race.  Anyway, I found that my hips got really sore during my long walks.  Well, sure enough, my hips were really sore today and I felt them the whole run.  I am really looking forward to yoga tomorrow morning to get a good stretch!

Happy Mother's Day!