This is my attempt to get back into pre-baby shape and ring in the big 3-5 with a bang, or rather with 26.2 miles. Just as training for my first half marathon taught me a lot about myself (for example, it taught me that not only was I capable of running 13.1 miles in a row, but that I love doing it), I'm sure this experience will be as educational as it will be challenging. Thanks for sharing in my journey with me . . .

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 40 minute run

I actually did: yoga + Bender ball ab workout, 40 minutes = 3.5 miles towards 1000 mile goal
Days to go until the marathon: 1170

Miles to go until 1000: 779.70

So last night there were tornadoes near my hometown.  The closest one touched down about 20 miles away from my town, so not super super close, but still close.  There were warnings all night and they said one would probably hit in the area of town where I live; thankfully, they were wrong.  It was fairly scary watching the news, particularly in light of the fact that last year around this time, a tornado did hit the town and tore the roof off the big arena.  I lived in Portland at the time, and my husband and I (and our then-3-week old baby) stayed up late watching clips on youtube (

Anyway, this is relevant because this morning when I got up to run, I looked at my Weather Channel app on my phone and discovered that the wind was still blowing at 27 mph.  So I decided not to run, and did yoga instead. 

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