This is my attempt to get back into pre-baby shape and ring in the big 3-5 with a bang, or rather with 26.2 miles. Just as training for my first half marathon taught me a lot about myself (for example, it taught me that not only was I capable of running 13.1 miles in a row, but that I love doing it), I'm sure this experience will be as educational as it will be challenging. Thanks for sharing in my journey with me . . .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 40 minute run

I actually did: 43:59 minutes/3.93 miles*

*4.68 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/2 extra mile for the wind and 1/4 extra mile for falling snow

Days to go until the marathon: 185

Miles to go until 1000: 951.71

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No (But J. Lo's Aint It Funny played for the second run in a row.)

This morning when my alarm went off at 4, I turned it off because on Tuesdays I only work half a day.  And it has been really warm and sunny, so I thought instead of running in the dark, I'd just run in the afternoon with Russell in the jogging stroller.  Little did I know it was windy and snowy out, and that the snow would only fall more and the wind would only blow harder as the day went on.  But, at least it wasn't too cold (32, feels like 20, per  No, I did not subject Russell to those conditions!

If I haven't already mentioned it, I'm totally over winter and ready for the spring.  So go away, snow!

1 comment:

  1. 32 feels like 20 sounds awfully cold to me! Being Aubree of the famed bonus mileage system, I think you should be awarded another bonus 0.25 mile, because Sunday was the start of spring and you shouldn't be subjected to snow runs anymore.
