This is my attempt to get back into pre-baby shape and ring in the big 3-5 with a bang, or rather with 26.2 miles. Just as training for my first half marathon taught me a lot about myself (for example, it taught me that not only was I capable of running 13.1 miles in a row, but that I love doing it), I'm sure this experience will be as educational as it will be challenging. Thanks for sharing in my journey with me . . .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: N/A

I actually did: yoga, 25 minutes (= 2 miles toward 1000 mile goal)

Days to go until the marathon: 213

Miles to go until 1000: 984.8

Yoga is something which I have always really liked in theory . . . I know how important, and how good for you, stretching is, and I think the relaxation breathing yoga offers is a great stress/anxiety reliever.  I also think yoga can be really helpful for back pain.  I tell all these things to my patients all the time.  That being said, I have never really been crazy about yoga in practice.  I think this is mostly to do with the fact that I feel like I can't concentrate on the poses, or be all zen about what I'm doing, because I've always done yoga with videos/tv so I'm always trying to see the person on the screen, to make sure I'm doing the pose correctly.  (The only time I've been to an actual yoga class was prenatal yoga when I was pregnant, and I did like that a lot better than any yoga I've ever done, although I felt like the poses were modified to be easy for us pregnant ladies.) 

I am determined to keep giving yoga a shot, however, especially now that I'm marathon training because I do think a lot of the stretches/poses are good for counter-acting the stress that running puts on the body.  So my goal from now until the marathon is to do yoga once a week.  Hopefully if I do the same routine enough, I won't have to spend so much time concentrating on the screen and I can actually be zen.  Om.

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