Training schedule says I will do: N/A
I actually did: 0.87 miles walking* + Melt It Off cardio burn & sculpt and sizzlin' abs, 50 minutes (= 4 miles towards 1000 mile goal)
*If I use Aubree's bonus system, I walked 2.87 miles. I get 1 extra mile for walking when I didn't intend to be (this morning my garage door was frozen shut, so I walked part way to work before I could get a hold of my mom to come pick me up) and I am giving myself 1 extra mile for the weather. Technically per the official bonus mileage system guide, I only get 1/2 mile extra for a temperature less than 20 degrees. But this morning when I was walking, it was 1 degree, and -19 with the windchill factor, so I decided that I should get an extra 1/2 mile for 20 to 0 degrees, and another 1/2 mile for 0 to -20 degrees. I'm sure Aubree won't mind.
Days to go until the marathon: 206
Melt It Off is a workout video system created by Mitch Gaylord. I discovered these videos on an infomercial. I can be persuaded to buy just about anything from an infomercial, so I actually had to make myself stop buying workout videos from them (I think every workout video I own was purchased from an infomerical), but this one I got as a Christmas gift which I think is an acceptable loophole.
I have had a special place in my heart for Mitch Gaylord since the 1984 summer Olympics, during which he was on the men's gymnastics team. These were the first Olympics I remember, and I fell in love with them watching them that summer. I still LOVE the Olympics, thanks to Mitch and team.
The workout was broken into legs, arms, and then I did the additional ab workout. The legs part was pretty tough . . . lots of lunges and squats and I think will be good for knee strength for running. The arms part wasn't too bad. I'll wait until tomorrow to see if I'm sore before I pass any final judgment. The ab workout was KILLER. I really struggled with it, and realized about halfway through that it was the first time I'd really done an ab workout since my c-section. I am out of shape! Luckily, I employed the Christmas gift loophole to also get the Bender Ball video for Christmas, so hopefully between these two, and all the other infomercial-propagated ab workouts I own, I can toughen up a bit.
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