This is my attempt to get back into pre-baby shape and ring in the big 3-5 with a bang, or rather with 26.2 miles. Just as training for my first half marathon taught me a lot about myself (for example, it taught me that not only was I capable of running 13.1 miles in a row, but that I love doing it), I'm sure this experience will be as educational as it will be challenging. Thanks for sharing in my journey with me . . .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run
I actually did:   44:25 minutes/3.98 miles*

* 4.575 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 extra mile for darkness and 1/2 extra mile for sweating through 2 layers
Days to go until the marathon: 131

Miles to go until 1000: 824.97

Things are blooming all over the place, so today's run smelled really good.  In case I haven't said it enough, I'm so glad it's finally spring!!

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of my husband's and my first date, so I spent most of my run thinking about that.  It doesn't really seem like we've been together that long, and yet when I think about how different our lives are now than when we met, it seems like we've been together for much longer.  When we met, he was managing a restaurant and finishing up his degree.  I was waiting tables at said restaurant, saving money before starting grad school.  In the last 10 years we have lived in Montana, Washington DC, Portland, and now Montana again.  He has gone through 3 careers (restaurant manager, accountant, stay at home dad) and I have gotten 2 graduate/professional degrees and done a residency.  And of course, we now have the most amazing, smart, beautiful son ever.  It is hard to imagine our lives will change that much in the next 10 years, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see . . .

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