Training schedule says I will do: 55 minute run
I actually did: 56:21 minutes/ 5.05 miles*
*The wind was blowing really hard in my face for half of this run, so I considered giving myself the wind bonus miles, but per the official Bonus Mileage System doctrine, you don't get credit for wind if it's at your back. And since it was in my face for half the run, that means it was at my back the other half. So no bonus miles today.
Days to go until the marathon: 163
Miles to go until 1000: 899.7 (Under 900! Woo hoo!)
On today's run, I started thinking about if I were to get hit by a car and someone were to come help me, and happened to listen to my earbuds (which, let's hope, would not be the first thing they did upon finding me on the side of the road), what would they think of me? There are some things on there, like the Dixie Chicks -- especially the stuff from their most recent album -- that I think paints a pretty accurate picture of me if you assume that I am the stereotypical listener of said music. Then there is other music, like Green Day and Sublime, that makes me feel like a badass when I run to it. I don't think anyone would ever describe me as a badass, so this music would lead this unknown person to a false conclusion about me. And then there are some gems, like New Kids on the Block circa 1990 that is just downright embarrassing. It's almost embarrassing to admit on here that I listen to that when I run, except that my friend Aubree is pretty much the only person who reads this, and she already knows what is on my ipod. I certainly wouldn't want someone's first impression of me to be that I'm someone who listens to New Kids on the Block. Except that I am. (By the way, I am in no way trying to imply that the New Kids on the Block song "Summertime", from 2009, is embarrassing. I am pretty certain that is the best song ever recorded.) So I guess the lesson here is, don't judge a person by the contents of their ipod, because we are all more complex that any one song might indicate.
Also on today's run, I developed a pain in the lateral part of my left upper leg. I can't quite pinpoint where the pain is, but it hurt all night. I am saying this one time for all, including my body parts, to hear: I don't have time for an injury. So that pain better be a fluke.
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