This is my attempt to get back into pre-baby shape and ring in the big 3-5 with a bang, or rather with 26.2 miles. Just as training for my first half marathon taught me a lot about myself (for example, it taught me that not only was I capable of running 13.1 miles in a row, but that I love doing it), I'm sure this experience will be as educational as it will be challenging. Thanks for sharing in my journey with me . . .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run

I actually did:  45:58 minutes/3.96 miles*
*4.335 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 extra mile for running in the dark, and 1/4 extra mile for sweating through 1 layer of clothes

Days to go until the marathon: 151

Miles to go until 1000: 868.81

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: Yes (Actually, 2 played!)

Rabbits seen on this run: 7 (I am pretty sure that's the most rabbits I've seen on a run ever.)

Finally, some deep thoughts on this run . . . I spent most of it thinking about a patient I admitted to the hospital yesterday, and wondering about what her diagnosis is and if I ordered the right tests.  Turns out, thinking about celebrity breakups is more fun!


Training schedule says I will do: 40 min run

I actually did:  yoga, 15 minutes
I've been having some back pain and feeling very stiff and sore, so I decided not to run today and to do some yoga instead.  It was nice.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 10 miles

I actually did:  10.15 miles*
*11.65 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1 extra mile for traveling uphill for 2 miles, and 1/2 extra mile for sweating through 2 layers of clothes

Days to go until the marathon: 154

Miles to go until 1000: 872.77

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

Today is Easter.  And an absolutely gorgeous day for a run.  But I did not see a single other runner until I was 9.2 miles into my 10 mile run, and I didn't start my run until 8 so it's not like it was really early.  I did, however, see lots and lots of cars going to churches on my run.  Because I didn't see another runner for so long, I started to wonder if I were the only person in town not going to church today.  Which made me wonder what the church-goers think when they see me running, instead of going to church.  Hopefully they think "good for her", just as I think when I see them doing what they want to be doing on a Sunday morning.

Today's run felt hard.  I don't know if it was because I ran yesterday or because 10 miles is kind of far.  Every time I have a hard run, I think "this is the week I'm going to start doing strength training too."  So let's see if it is . . .

Happy Easter!  I'm pretty sure a 10 mile run entitles me to at least one Cadbury egg, right?


Training schedule says I will do: OFF
I actually did:  3.63 miles*

*5.13 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1 extra mile for pushing the jogging stroller and 1/2 extra mile for sweating through 2 layers of clothes

Days to go until the marathon: 155

Miles to go until 1000: 882.92

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

This was the first run in a long time where I pushed the jogging stroller . . . it makes it a lot harder!!

On today's run, I was thinking about technology.  When I first started training for my first 10k, I didn't even have a stopwatch.  I had to remember the time it was when I left home, then look as soon as I got home, and figure out about what my pace was.  This didn't last long, I soon invested in a stopwatch from Target and could time my runs precisely.  Then when I would get home, I'd map the run on and enter my time and see what my pace was.  It also would tell me how many calories I'd burned . . . it was always very exciting to see exactly how far and how fast (or not fast, as was more often the case) I'd gone.  Now, I run with a GPS watch.  I love it, but it takes some of that fun out of it because I get instant feedback.  I can see at any time what my pace is and how far I've gone.  

But recently, I've been doubting the technology a little bit.  I think it overall is accurate, and most of the time it says I'm going at about the pace I think I'm going.  But there are times I feel like I'm going slow, but it will tell me I'm running at a sub-10 or even sub-9 minute mile.  And other times I feel like I'm traveling at a decent pace, but it will tell me I'm going at a 12+ minute mile.  (On today's run, for instance, it told me I was going at a 9:10 minute mile for awhile, which would be way faster than I've ever run with the jogging stroller before.)  And the other day, the map of the run it created when I downloaded the information was wrong (for the last 0.75 miles).  Just blatantly wrong.  That's the first time that's ever happened!

For the most part I love my technology.  As I said, I love my GPS watch.  And (obviously, if you've been paying any attention at all), I LOVE my ipod shuffle and am pretty sure I couldn't run without it.  I also love my cell phone, another feature on my daily runs.  And sometimes I run carrying my pager when I'm on call -- ok, that's a piece of technology I could live without.  But perhaps I'm getting too dependent on it?  Not that I plan to change anytime soon . . . 


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run
I actually did:  Nothing

I got up to run today, and the wind was blowing so hard I was worried I might get carried away.  Even though wind does = bonus miles, I opted not to run . . . and went back to sleep.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 30 minute run
I actually did:  46:40 minutes/3.94 miles*
*4.565 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 extra mile for darkness and 1/2 extra mile for sweating through 2 layers of clothes

Days to go until the marathon: 157

Miles to go until 1000: 886.55

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: Yes! (It made me smile to think I'd finally get to write "yes" here.)

Today's run started out with what I think is the best running song ever: "Lose Yourself" by Eminem.  Unfortunately, that did not foretell a great run, because I felt stiff and sluggish throughout the run; if I needed convincing that I shouldn't take a few days off from running anymore, this morning's run did it.  Hopefully that means tomorrow will be better.

For most of the run today, I thought about what I've thought about for most of this week; a good friend of mine lost her mom this week.  My heart hurts for her family, and it makes me feel helpless as a friend because she is hurting and there is nothing I can do to make it stop.  I don't like not being in control, although since becoming a parent (and subsequently realizing there is really very little over which I actually do have control), I have gotten better and just going with the flow, rather than directing it.  But now I wish I could somehow direct my friend out of her pain.  Instead, I've just let her know that I love her and am here for her, I guess that's all I can do.


I've been slacking, AGAIN.  I know, bad me.  Tuesday's run was intentionally skipped becuase it snowed a couple of inches Monday night and was still snowing Tuesday morning, so I decided not to run.  Wednesday, I intended to run, but then my son nursed for longer than usual which put me behind schedule, and instead of doing a shorter run like I should've done, I skipped it altogether.  Bad me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 9 miles

I actually did:  9.21 miles*
*10.21 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1 extra mile for my uphill portions

Days to go until the marathon: 161

Miles to go until 1000: 890.49

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No (But the following songs played for the second time in the last 2-3 runs: Nick Lachey "Shut Up", Will Smith "Men in Black", Pat Benetar "Heartbreaker", Fountains of Wayne "Stacy's Mom".)

Today's run had me thinking a lot about my trip to Thailand in November-December 2005.  I was there for 5 weeks for a medical school rotation and vacation, and I went with my friends Heidi and Janae.  I thought about it because 2 songs played that always remind me of the trip: "One Night in Bangkok" (for obvious reasons) and "Hypnotize" by Notorious BIG (because every time we saw a Buddha statue, which was like every 15 minutes, Janae would say "Buddha Buddha Buddha" which reminded me of the part in that song when they say "Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can't you see . . .").  The trip was amazing and I would love to go back someday.  It is raining here today, so lying on the beach in Koh Phi Phi sounds pretty wonderful about now.

Good news on the injury front: my leg/hip didn't hurt at all on my run.  It did hurt on my walk breaks, and started hurting when I got home, but it didn't hurt while I was running.  I followed the advice I would give to a patient, and I iced it as soon as I got home. 

Also, I think I have crossed the final threshold into the "running geek" world . . . today was the first run during which I used my belt water bottles.  The belt design is WAY better than the handhelds I have used, which always spill water all over me.  This is the one I have:, and it was a Christmas present from my mother-in-law.  I'm seeing her for dinner tonight, I'll definitely have to thank her!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 55 minute run

I actually did:  56:21 minutes/ 5.05 miles*
*The wind was blowing really hard in my face for half of this run, so I considered giving myself the wind bonus miles, but per the official Bonus Mileage System doctrine, you don't get credit for wind if it's at your back.   And since it was in my face for half the run, that means it was at my back the other half.  So no bonus miles today.

Days to go until the marathon: 163

Miles to go until 1000: 899.7 (Under 900!  Woo hoo!)

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No (But a Killers song played for what seemed like the millionth run in a row -- even though there are only 2 Killers songs on my ipod -- I would do a statistical study about it, but we all know how that would turn out.)

On today's run, I started thinking about if I were to get hit by a car and someone were to come help me, and happened to listen to my earbuds (which, let's hope, would not be the first thing they did upon finding me on the side of the road), what would they think of me?  There are some things on there, like the Dixie Chicks -- especially the stuff from their most recent album -- that I think paints a pretty accurate picture of me if you assume that I am the stereotypical listener of said music.  Then there is other music, like Green Day and Sublime, that makes me feel like a badass when I run to it.  I don't think anyone would ever describe me as a badass, so this music would lead this unknown person to a false conclusion about me.  And then there are some gems, like New Kids on the Block circa 1990 that is just downright embarrassing.  It's almost embarrassing to admit on here that I listen to that when I run, except that my friend Aubree is pretty much the only person who reads this, and she already knows what is on my ipod.  I certainly wouldn't want someone's first impression of me to be that I'm someone who listens to New Kids on the Block.  Except that I am.  (By the way, I am in no way trying to imply that the New Kids on the Block song "Summertime", from 2009, is embarrassing.  I am pretty certain that is the best song ever recorded.)  So I guess the lesson here is, don't judge a person by the contents of their ipod, because we are all more complex that any one song might indicate.  

Also on today's run, I developed a pain in the lateral part of my left upper leg.  I can't quite pinpoint where the pain is, but it hurt all night.  I am saying this one time for all, including my body parts, to hear: I don't have time for an injury.  So that pain better be a fluke.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 60 minute run

I actually did:  59:17 minutes/ 5.17 miles*
*6.045 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 mile for darkness and 3/4 mile for sweating through 3 layers of clothing (I am particularly impressed with the latter, since it was 33-feels-like-27 when I ran this morning!)

Days to go until the marathon: 165

Miles to go until 1000: 904.75

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

Today's running music (I know that my posts are always about music, I think that's because it is the songs that play that get me to thinking about whatever it is I think about) was heavy on the country.  I don't know if my ipod is heavy on country, or if it was just a country day.  Anyway, people always think "of course you listen to country, you're from Montana", but the truth is, I didn't start listening to country music until I was 16.  I think it was my friend Jessie who got me into it.  I listened to country almost exclusively until sometime after college.  Around the time in 2003 when that whole Dixie Chicks (who are my favorite favorite group, and I am pretty convinced they would want to be best friends with me if they ever met me) thing happened, I noticed that I didn't really care that much for country music anymore.  It seemed that either I'd gotten too liberal, or it had gotten too conservative, or both, for me.  I still flip to a country station now and then, but couldn't really tell you any new songs.  (To be honest, I couldn't really name that many new songs of any genre.  This is because I mostly only listen to NPR, and [speaking of which] I heard a story on NPR once that talked about how people generally stop listening to new music after college; it was after college that I started listening to NPR so this is true for me.)  But, I do still love 90's country.  So I run to it, especially today.  And in some way it is fitting because I am back in my home town, and country music was the soundtrack to much of my growing up here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 50 minute run

I actually did: 49:03 minutes/4.48 miles

Days to go until the marathon: 166

Miles to go until 1000: 909.92

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

Ipod irony on this run:
1. *NSync's "Pop" played today in the same spot it did a few runs ago.  I remember this because it was the day I wrote about how much I loved them.  This was also ironic because earlier in the run, a Huey Lewis & The News song played ("Power of Love") which reminded me of this awesome all-day concert held in Washington DC after September 11 to raise money for the Pentagon Relief Fund.  It just so happened to take place on the weekend Aubree was already coming to visit, so we went.  Huey & boys were there, but so were *NSync, and that concert was the genesis of my love for them because when they took the stage, the excitement in the stadium was palpable, and I thought it was pretty cool that 5 guys could create that.

2. Bell Biv Devoe's "Do Me" played in the same spot it did a few runs ago.  I remember this for 2 reasons: 1) I remember thinking how much I like that song even though it clearly advocates having sex with underage groupies, which I do not condone, and 2) Whenever I hear a Bell Biv Devoe song, I think that there is no greater running music than 90's hip hop.  And by 90's hip hop, I mean Bell Biv Devoe, Naughty by Nature, Heavy D & The Boys, Salt N Pepa.  My brother told me this is not 90's hip hop (he says that is Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, etc), but it is to me.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 8 miles

I actually did: 8.11 miles*

*9.61 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/2 mile for sweating through 2 layers of clothing and 1 mile for hills

Days to go until the marathon: 168

Miles to go until 1000: 914.4

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

On today's run (which was gloriously sunny), I thought a lot about a chance encounter I had last night.  My husband and I took our son and dogs for a walk around our neighborhood.  It was the first nice day/evening in several days and it seemed our whole neighborhood was out for a walk, and we ran into someone who was a very close friend of mine in high school, but with whom I'd lost touch over the years.  It was really great to see her and meet her husband and 2 kids.  I kept thinking about her and how much our friendship meant to me back in the day, and how sad it was that we lost touch . . . I can't even remember how that happened (I guess that's how it always is when you lose touch with someone).  But I am so excited to have run into her and to have the opportunity for her to be part of my life again!

I also spent some time on this run thinking about what makes someone a runner.  I think it wasn't until I was in the middle of training for my second half marathon that I actually felt like I could call myself a runner.  And now since my training has only just begun again, I feel like I have to say I'm a runner*, with the * that I took time off and am just now getting back into it.  But even though there's the asterisk there, I like being a runner.  I bond with other runners when it happens to come up in random conversation.  If a patient mentions they are starting to run or training for something, we spend several minutes of their visit discussing it.  I feel a kinship to those I pass on my runs (and I always wonder how far are they going?  How far have they gone?  Where did they get those cute running pants?).  I once used this phrase to describe motherhood, but I think it fits here too: it's like all along there was a secret club that I never knew existed, and suddenly I have the secret handshake.  I love it.


I didn't run today, either, but this time it's not my fault.  Ok, it is my fault, but I had a good reason.  I got up to run and was starting to get dressed when I checked the weather channel app on my phone.  The first thing that popped up was a winter weather warning.  So I went and looked out the window, and it was snowing and the streets looked slick.  So I went back to bed.  I wasn't able to fall asleep, instead I alternately chastised myself for only running once this work week, and then counseled myself that having one bad week is ok, and that next week will be better.  Next week will be better.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Once again, I have to admit to you that I have been a slacker.  I was supposed to do a 60 minute run yesterday; I skipped this mostly because I was really nervous about running for 60 minutes and still getting home in time to get ready for work (and I refuse to set my alarm for earlier than 4 am because that just seems wrong).  So I figured I'd just do the run today, on what was supposed to be day off.  But you know the drill by now, right?  This morning I just kept thinking, "today is my day off".  So I slept.  I know, bad.  I will do my run tomorrow which I think is supposed to be 50 minutes, and hopefully if I can do that and still make it to work on time, I'll have the confidence that I can also do a 60 minute run, and next week will be better.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run

I actually did: 45:14 minutes/3.98 miles*

*4.605 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 mile for darkness and 1/2 mile for sweating through 2 layers of clothing

Days to go until the marathon: 175

Miles to go until 1000: 926.49

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: Yes! (Finally!)

Mellow, but surprisingly good running songs discovered: "Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver, and "Upside Down" by Jack Johnson

Today's run was the first time I got to use my new reflective vest, which was really exciting!  My friend Aubree had sent me a link to one from amazon that I was going to buy, but then my husband said I should go buy one from a local store to support the local economy.  Since he is right, I should do that, I did.  This is the one I got:  It was a little more expensive than some of the other ones they had, but it has a zippered pocket, which I think is really cool!

For most of my run today I was thinking about my son.  I was thinking about all the exciting things he'll get to do as he grows, and I was getting so excited to see him get to do those things.  But then at the same time, he has already grown and changed so much and I kind of want to keep him the age he is now forever.  I guess that is the paradox of being a parent.  And since I don't know a way to make time stand still, I guess I will have to settle on watching him grow and experience new things, and feel lucky that I get to do that.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 7 miles

I actually did: 7.12 miles*

*8.62 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/2 mile for the wind and 1 mile for running uphill (a total of 2 miles was uphill)

Days to go until the marathon: 175

Miles to go until 1000: 926.49

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No (When I got home I had to plug in my ipod to charge, and I decided to sort the songs on it by the number of times they have played.  I have 2 Red Hot Chili Peppers songs on there, and each one has only played once.  This is totally a Hawthorne effect.)

Today was the first run where I employed the run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute strategy.  This is advocated by some famous runner (Jeff Galloway?) and it came to my attention from my friends Aubree and Nicole independently and nearly simultaneously.  I used it in training for my 2nd half marathon, and ended up running it 4 minutes faster than my previous one despite being on a harder course.  Of course, I also trained for the 2nd one on hills and the race course ended up being easier than my training course, so I don't know that I can completely credit the walking breaks with the faster time.  But anyway, I think the theory is that by walking early, you conserve energy and are able to go faster late in the run.  I couldn't remember at what distance I started doing walking breaks when I last trained, so I just arbitrarily chose to start at a distance longer than a 10k (since I wouldn't walk during a 10k), which would be today's 7 miles.  I kept forgetting to walk, which I think is a good sign that the run felt good.  (Well, I should say the portions of the run when the wind was not blowing directly in my face felt good.  For the approximately 2.5 miles the wind was blowing in my face so hard it brought tears to my eyes, 1 mile of which is also up a hill, I kept looking at my watch to see if it was time yet to walk!)

Friday, April 1, 2011


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run

I actually did: 44:45 minutes/3.97 miles

No extra bonus miles today, I think that's the first time!

Days to go until the marathon: 177

Miles to go until 1000: 933.61

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No (But a Liz Phair song played as one of the first songs, and 2/3 songs that played at the end of my last run were Liz Phair songs.  It's a good thing I like running to Liz Phair!)

Not a lot of deep thoughts on today's run . . . I thought a little about NSync and the genesis of my (dare I say) love for them when "Pop" played on my ipod.  I'd probably be excited if they reunited and put out a new album, but then I was also excited by the new New Kids on the Block album a couple years ago (and maintain that "Summertime" may be the greatest song ever), so clearly I'm not a great judge of what is exciting, musically.

Then a little later, I reminded myself that I am one of the funniest people I know!  Out of the blue on my ipod, "Score Tonight" from the Grease 2 soundtrack started to play.  Classic.  And it cracked me up that I had included that on my ipod.  But it turns out that is a fun song to sing out loud when you are running!


Training schedule says I will do: OFF

I actually did: Nothing
One of these days, I'm going to start doing strength training on my scheduled days off.  But apparently not today since I hit snooze instead of getting out of bed . . .


Training schedule says I will do: 50 minute run

I actually did: 49:05 minutes/4.12 miles*

*4.245 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1/8 extra miles for darkness

Days to go until the marathon: 177

Miles to go until 1000: 937.58

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

Today's run found me thinking a lot about -- and missing -- Oregon.  This is not something new, I miss Portland on a daily basis and have ever since I moved from there back to my hometown last fall.  Which is not to say I regret the move, I definitely think this is the right place for my family to be right now, I just really love Portland.  And this morning's run reminded me of one of the reasons why.  Today is garbage day in my neighborhood, and one of my neighbors had his garbage can out front with a big cardboard box in it.  Which made me really sad -- cardboard should be recycled!  Only recycling here is kind of hard.  In Portland, we had these giant, wonderful recycyling cans called co-minglers.  They were bigger than our garbage cans, and you could just throw all of your recyclables, except glass, in them, and they got picked up with the trash.  It was wonderful.  Here, you have to either hire a private service to come and pick up your recycling every other week -- which you have to separate yourself and they have all these rules about what they will and won't take, for example only corrugated cardboard, not cereal boxes or any other kind.  OR, you have to store it at your house and take it down to the recycling center when your bins get full.  We do the latter, so that we can recycle everything (except glass, they won't take that at the recycling center; luckily my parents pay for the pick up service, who take glass and then send it somewhere else where they do recycle it, so we just take our glass up there to get picked up).  Not recycling is not really an option for me -- I mean, I drive a Prius and I use cloth diapers, for goodness' sake -- but I can see why not everyone would, it's hard.

A little later on the run, I noticed that it was lightly either raining or snowing, I'm not sure which.  I only knew that it was doing one of them because I could see the flakes/drops in the light of my headlamp.  Which reminded me of the night-time leg I ran of Hood to Coast.  Hood to Coast is probably the best thing I've ever done running, it was amazing.  I can't remember if I've already described it on here, but it's a 12-person, 197 mile relay race from Mt. Hood to Seaside, OR.  It took my team 30 or so hours to travel the distance, during which time we only slept a couple of hours, and loved every minute of it.  But during my night leg, which was in the middle of nowhere in Oregon, it was raining really lightly such that I didn't get wet, I could just see it in my headlamp.  It's one of my favorite memories of Hood to Coast.

I also realized today that I think (I hope) spring is finally, finally here.  I think this because 1) the calendar says it is spring (I'm really smart like that), 2) this morning it was 37 degrees when I went out for a run, and I had to take my gloves off a couple of miles in because I got too hot, and 3) I actually ran into other exercisers (a guy walking his dog, and a couple going for a walk), that is the first time this has happened during one of my early morning runs.  It's nice to know I'm not the only crazy one out there.


Training schedule says I will do: 45 minute run

I actually did: 10:22 minutes/0.94 miles*

*1.94 miles using Aubree's Bonus Mileage System, getting 1 extra mile for pushing the jogging stroller

Days to go until the marathon: 178

Miles to go until 1000: 941.70

Red Hot Chili Peppers song played during the run: No

Today's run was pathetic, only this time it wasn't my attitude that made it so, it was my son's.  I had him with me in the jogging stroller, and after about half a mile he started to cry uncontrollably.  I tried to soothe him but he wasn't having it, so we turned around and headed home.  We were still about 0.25 miles from home (I always walk for 0.25 miles to warm up before I start to run, so running home takes longer than running out from home) when he started crying even harder (I didn't know that was possible!), and the only thing that would calm him down was to pick him up.  So, for the last 0.25 miles, I walked, carrying him in one arm and pushing the stroller with the other.  I must've looked ridiculous to passersby.  Let me tell you, that 0.25 miles felt about 10 times longer than the 1 mile I actually ran!!